Students Speak: Courtney Stevens on the Benefits of a Flexible Schedule (S3E7

When students speak, the education world must stop and listen. Welcome to the “Students Speak” series on Future of School: The Podcast, presented in partnership with National School Choice Week.

Courtney Stevens is today’s guest. Courtney is a first-year student at Front Range Community College: Larimer Campus in Fort Collins, Colorado. She also did concurrent enrollment at the college while she was in high school.

Courtney began taking online classes as a high school senior as a result of the pandemic and found that she liked them as much as she enjoyed her in-person courses. She now takes classes online as well as in-person. 

At first, the less structured schedule of online schooling felt challenging, but within a month Courtney adjusted. She also experienced more reading and writing in online classes due to the different structure, but found she adapted to this quickly, as well. Not only did she feel much more safe taking class online during the pandemic, but she also realized it was a great way to learn.

Classmates who remained in the traditional school were curious about the flexible schedule that enabled Courtney to take morning Tae Kwon Do classes and do Crossfit in the afternoon. She explained that online learning gave her control over her schedule, and she found this to be an important benefit. 

When asked about some of the skills she developed most after transitioning to online learning, Courtney says, “I feel like I really cultivated my reading and writing skills... Even just looking at the stuff I wrote during my junior year compared to now, my writing has improved significantly.”

Future of School: The Podcast is hosted by Amy Valentine, CEO and Education Evangelist for Future of School. Subscribe to hear more Students Speak episodes along with upcoming series from Future of School. Follow Future of School on Twitter @futureof_school, follow Amy @amyvalentine555, and learn more on our website: 

National School Choice Week is a not-for-profit, charitable effort to raise awareness of effective K–12 education options for children. NSCW focuses equally on traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, private schools, online schools, and homeschools. Participate in the conversation by following @schoolchoicewk on Twitter and using the hashtag #schoolchoiceweek. Learn more at

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Using a mix in person and #onlineclasses, @frccedu first year Courtney is able to make her own schedule and get the best of both worlds. Learn more about Courtney’s #educationaljourney on today’s episode of Future of School: The Podcast!

Like anything new, the transition to #onlinelearning was challenging for @frccedu student Courtney Stevens, but when she adjusted she enjoyed the flexibility #remotelearning gave her to explore #extracurriculars outside of traditional after school hours. 

“I feel like I really cultivated my reading and writing skills... Even just looking at the stuff I wrote during my junior year compared to now, my writing has improved significantly.” Courtney Stevens discusses the skills she developed with #onlinelearning.


Using a mix of in-person and online classes, Front Range Community College first year Courtney is able to make her own schedule and get the best of both worlds. Learn more about Courtney’s educational journey on today’s episode of Future of School: The Podcast!

Like anything new, the transition to online learning was challenging for Front Range Community College student Courtney Stevens, but when she adjusted she enjoyed the flexibility remote learning gave her to explore extracurriculars outside of traditional after school hours. 

“I feel like I really cultivated my reading and writing skills... Even just looking at the stuff I wrote during my junior year compared to now, my writing has improved significantly.” Courtney Stevens discusses the skills she developed with online learning.



Students SpeakLisa Mullis