One Big Idea: Judy Perez on Empowering Students to Learn What They Want, How They Want (S2E7)
If you could share One Big Idea to change the future of education, what would it be?
In the seventh episode of Future of School’s One Big Idea series, our guest is Judy Perez, CEO and Founder of iLearn Collaborative. Judy has been identified as a national level expert in K–12 online and blended learning by the U.S. Department of Education. Prior to founding the iLearn Collaborative, she directed district-wide blended learning at Jeffco Public Schools and led their online school from turnaround status to Performance accreditation.
Judy shares her big idea of empowering students by giving them access to the learning environment they prefer for the courses they are taking, anywhere and any time. This means providing flexible, fluid learning options for students that might change depending on the subject area and the courses they desire to take. With personalized learning realized to this extent, students may take certain courses in a blended setting, others fully in-person, and others online, depending on what works best for them.
What’s your One Big Idea to transform education? Connect with us on social media or on our website,, to share! Follow Future of School on Twitter @futureof_school and follow Amy Valentine @amyvalentine555.
Learn more about Future of School and its mission to mobilize change in American K–12 education from a one-size-fits-all system to one that ensures all students reach their unbounded potential no matter where their learning takes place at
Follow today’s guest on Twitter: @judyperez612